Events & Programs
March 9th
Author Talk: Rebecca Brannon
Sunday Lecture Series
Join us at 2PM at the Kimball Theatre as noted author and professor of history at James Madison University, Rebecca Brannon will join us to discuss her soon to be published book, The Weight of Years: Growing Old In America’s Infancy
April 6th
Brendan Burke, Underwater Archeologist
Sunday Lecture Series
Join us at 2PM at the Kimball Theatre with Brendan Burke, Underwater Archaeologist, as he explores Virginia's rich maritime history, from historic oyster craft to canal boats. Don’t miss this insightful lecture!
May Bus Trip
Date TBD
We hope you will join us for our exciting May 2025 Bus Trip where we will explore the rich history of the Tidewater Area. Details & Date Coming Soon!
History is alive in Tidewater Virginia.
TVHS believes in supporting and emphasizing educational interpretation of historic sites and the unique contributions of the Tidewater area of Virginia to American history. We actively seek to partner with historians, archaeologists, educators, and other non-profits with synergistic interests to provide special lectures, guided tours, educational programs, and periodic social events.

We provide educational opportunities for our members through special programs, lectures, bus tours, and exposure to a variety of historic places in the Tidewater Virginia region.

We support the preservation of Tidewater Virginia's rich history through giving financial contributions and raising awareness of historic sites and museums.

We work to build relationships with historic properties and organizations in our community, bringing together people of all ages who share a love of history and want to learn more about Tidewater Virginia.